Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Birthday - We mean it, Ma'aarm!

Right, I couldn't let the occasion go unmarked. Happy 80th Birthday, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (that's HRH Queen Elizabeth II to you monarchists out there). Unconfirmed reports are that the real royal knees-up will be at Olly Cromwell's Dis-co-co in Skegness with DJ Fresh Prince o' Wailz on dex spinning the choonz. Unlikely to make the playlist:
God Save the Queen - Motorhead (buy here)
50-Foot Queenie - PJ Harvey (oh, she's so lovely, buy here)
Dancing Queen - Redd Kross (buy here)
Hey We Will Rock Ya - (DJ Prince) Queen vs Outkast (visit here)
Power Slut Kiss - (IDC) Prince vs Har Mar Superstar (visit here)
Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun - Julie Brown (buy here)
God Save The Queen (Live! 1996) - Sex Pistols (buy here)