Wednesday, February 07, 2007

And When She Cries Diva, He's An Angel

Dana International just friended me on myspace. I couldn't be happier...

Oh, Eurovision 1998 - my heart sings...


Unknown said...

I'd forgotten how entertaining this song is when you only get to hear it once every 10 years.

Are you aware of the possibility that Morrissey might be the UK entrant for Eurovision this year?

Here's the link....

It's on the BBC so it must be true...

Oh and the guys over at Jock'n'Roll have already speculated what the songs might be....

FiL said...

Dearest JC: Oh, I just think this is a glamcamp Eurodeesco classique!!

I had heard about Mozza, and I think it would make perfect sense! Were it to happen and were he to win, it would be a wonderful progression from the awesome Lordi!

A. B. Chairiet said...

She's gorgeous, Fil. Congratulations! :)

All my friends at MySpace are frumpy stay-at-home moms with American Flags and Iridescent Crosses on their page that flash and blink so much, I nearly have a seizure every time I check into that place! ;)


I hope you have a great weekend.

Take care,
~ Ash

FiL said...

Dearest Ash: Pshaw! I bet Dana's offering herself up to anyone with a pulse. I know I'm not THAT special...